School of Yoga & Wellness
Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self. In this spirit, School of Yoga and Wellness at Vedic wellness offer courses in Yoga, Naturopathy, Holistic Nutrition, Healing & Spiritual science in an Integrated approach
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School of Vedic Studies
Like in ancient Gurukul system of education, Vedas were not taught in isolation, but in an Integrated approach. Vedic Wellness - School of Yoga and Wellness, Vedic studies offer various programs in Vedas, Sanskrit, Astrology, Vaastu, Vedic Mathematics with Vedas at its epicentre
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School of Arts & Culture
Art is about expression. It brings together various cultures from different parts of the world, fostering global peace. Vedic Wellness - School of Yoga and Wellness, Art & Culture offer Courses in Visual Arts, Classical Music and Classical Dance to celebrate the rich culture which connects our world
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Academic Year 2024
Admission open for academic year 2024!
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An American Religious University complied with Section 1005.06(1)(f),
Florida Statutes pursuant to religious  institutions.

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Vedic Wellness University is an initiative that combines Vedic education, ancient therapy and online casino earnings. You can live in the farthest corners of the world, belong to any field, but if you have a deep interest in spirituality, health and well-being, then Vedic Wellness University is the place for you to learn all the secrets of making money in an online casino with a deposit of 4 $ here. At Vedic Wellness University, we intend to return to forgotten Vedic principles by integrating technology with terrestrial addiction, ayurveda, naturopathy, nutrition, cultural music, online casino earnings, dance and visual arts.

Vedic Wellness University is an initiative that brings Ancients Vedic Education (Courses in Vedic Studies) and Therapies at hand. You might be living at farthest corners of the world; you might be belonging to any field but if you have a deep rooted interest for Spirituality, Health, yoga and Wellness then this is the place for you!

At Vedic Wellness University, we intend to revisit the forgotten Vedic tenets that focus on reforming a person’s inner structure to a healthier and more blissful state of being. By merging technology with an ethereal proclivity, our functional experts render Courses in Vedic Studies,  courses in Yoga, Ayurveda, Naturopathy, Nutrition, Cultural Music and Dance, Visual arts, Vastu Shastra, Vedic Astrology and Vedic Maths in an environment that induces freedom and finesse. Our enrichment and empowerment programs also help foster a greater understanding of the ancient scriptures through our Sanskrit and Regional Language sessions. Come experience rewarding ways of unraveling your inner strengths and using Vedic wisdom as a navigation map to self-discovery.
Vedic Wellness University has its Academic roots from Ancient wisdom from all Cultures and Traditions and Registered under Florida Education System, USA.

We proudly presents an array of transformative courses in Vedic studies. These courses in Vedic studies delve deep into the timeless knowledge encapsulated in the Vedas, offering students a unique opportunity to explore the spiritual, philosophical, and cultural treasures embedded in these ancient texts. At Vedic Wellness University, the courses in Vedic studies are meticulously designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of Vedic principles, rituals, and holistic living. Enthusiasts seeking a profound connection with the Vedic heritage can immerse themselves in these courses, guided by experienced scholars and practitioners. Whether one is a novice or an advanced learner, the courses in Vedic studies cater to diverse interests and levels of expertise. Embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and wisdom with the courses in Vedic studies at Vedic Wellness University, where ancient knowledge meets contemporary relevance.

School of Yoga & Wellness

Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self.

In this spirit, Our School of Yoga and Wellness offers courses in Yoga, Naturopathy, Holistic Nutrition , Healing & Spiritual science in an Integrated approach.

Courses in Vedic Studies, School of Yoga and Wellness, Art & Culture and Vedic studies

School of Vedic Studies

Like in ancient Gurukul system of education, Vedas were not taught in isolation, but in an Integrated approach.

We offer various programs in Vedas, Sanskrit, Astrology, Vaastu, Vedic Mathematics with Vedas at its epicentre.


School of Arts & Culture

Art is about expression. It brings together various cultures from different parts of the world, fostering global peace.

The School of Arts & Culture offers Courses in all forms of Visual Arts, Classical Music and Classical Dance to celebrate the rich culture which connects our world.

Art of dancing form

Why Vedic Wellness University?


Unique Learning Platform

The roots of Ancient Vedic Wisdom through the means of different courses like Courses in Vedic Studies and more for learning offered under one roof.


Expert Faculty

The VWU Faculty members are best in their class, ensuring the holistic development of the students.


We Are Global

Our vision is to affiliate and collaborate with the ‘Global Community of Mentors and Students’. We aim to expand VWU to the different parts of the world.


Integrated Courses

The courses offered by VWU are unique and one of its kind. Finding its root in the Ancient Vedic wisdom, we integrate Vedic remedies and wellness solutions in our curriculum.


Cultural Exchange Program

VWU promotes ‘Cultural Exchange Programs’ by collaborating with different Universities around the world offering or promoting ‘Cultural’ and ‘Wellness’ studies.

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Admission open for
Academic Year 2025

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