Associate of Arts in Vedas

Hinduism’s earliest scriptures are known as Vedas, which is Sanskrit for “knowledge.” It contains information on spirituality, creative mysteries, Science and technology, mathematics, agriculture, ecology, geology, aviation, and astronomy. Since ancient times, Vedic mantras have been maintained in their entirety by folk tales using a method known as Ashta vikruti, which has eight variations including Jata, Mala, etc. Rishis developed these chanting variations to preserve the original text in its original, undamaged state.
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By the end of the course, the participant should know the following:
  • What are Vedas? And, what is their importance in Indian tradition and literature?
  • What are Vedangas? And, how are they subsidiary to the Vedas?
  • How are Vedangas helpful in understanding the Vedas?
  • To chant a few Mantras
  • To explain the meaning of a few simple mantras
  • To converse in simple Sanskrit


  • An introduction to the Vedic literature in detail.
  • A special course on Spoken Sanskrit, in order to make it easy for the participants to get a glimpse into the original source.
  • Learning about the importance of Vedangas to access the Vedic literature.
  • Learning the chanting of a few portions of The Vedas.
  • Learning the method of understanding The Vedic mantras.

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