A guide and Benefits of Acupressure for beginners

A guide to Acupressure for beginners IntroductionAcupressure is a traditional Chinese therapy that involves putting pressure on certain parts of the body to treat different diseases and ailments. It is believed that the pressure points have healing capacity. Acupressure does not involve the use of needles, unlike the acupuncture. It is done with the help […]
What is Holistic Healing

What is Holistic Healing? IntroductionOne of the most misinterpreted and overused terms is ‘holistic’ healing. A holistic doctor or practitioner is one who uses natural remedies as opposed to synthetic drugs. The term ‘holistic’ got its name from the Greek word ‘holos’ which means ‘whole’ and in holistic health is a perfect balance of emotional, […]
Benefits of Rasayana and its relevance in the present scenario

Benefits of Rasayana and its relevance in the present scenario Despite such significant advancements in science and technology, the human race has significantly failed to contain diseases and ailments, rather new issues are emerging devoid of any remedy or cure. The origins of these disorders vary from genetic to infectious to metabolic. Amidst this predicament, […]
A Note of Various Herbs Used in Ayurveda

A Note of Various Herbs Used in Ayurveda The past decade seems to be a time of “Old is God”. People are tracing back their traditional roots to combat illnesses and lifestyle problems. From fashion to food, everything is about “what’s old is new again”. So, the Indian wellness practice of Ayurveda is gaining its […]
Significance of the Vedas in today’s world

Significance of the Vedas in today’s world. The Vedas are considered to be one of the most sacred scriptures of the Hindu religion. They are claimed to be among the world’s oldest scriptures. Veda is said to be the treasure vault to wisdom and knowledge. It is noted that Vedas are eternal and vibrate in […]
Significance of Satvik diet

Significance of Sattvic diet Food, not all nourishes our body, but it impacts our minds and consciousnesses. Yogis and sages of ancient India believed that food is the creator of the life force that sustains our body and keeps us in good health. It is essential to choose the right kind of food for well-being […]
Why does science need spirituality to make sense

Why does science need spirituality to make sense? Life is precious. With several pursuits and people involved, life is the culmination of the past, present, and future, which redefines the existence of humanity. The most pertinent characteristic of life is to have a purpose. Meaningless life can significantly contribute to causing anxiety, depression, and phobias, […]