Doctor of Philosophy in Bharatanatyam

Program in Integrated PhD in Dance represents the pinnacle of academic achievement in the study and research of dance as a performing art. This program is meticulously designed to cultivate expertise in dance, fostering contributions to the advancement of knowledge within the field.
Structured coursework encompasses dance theory, history, pedagogy, choreography, performance, research methodology & Research work . A critical component involves the completion of a dissertation, requiring original research in a specific area of dance.

Objectives of an integrated PhD in Dance include advancing the field’s knowledge, innovating choreographic and performance techniques, enhancing dance education, and exploring the societal, cultural, and political dimensions of dance. Graduates may pursue careers as educators, researchers, choreographers, performers, and arts administrators.

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Doctor of Philosophy in Bharatanatyam aims to:


In essence, a PhD in Dance represents a challenging and rewarding academic journey, facilitating the development of both research and artistic skills, culminating in a meaningful contribution to the field of dance.

Academic Team

Shri. S. Jayachandran-min

Shri. S. Jayachandran



Dr. Santhoshi Simha

Dr. Swathi-min

Sangitacharya Dr. Swati Daithankar



Dr Sheela Sridhar


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