Master of science in yoga and wellness

Numerous cognitive functions, such as memory, concentration, and problem-solving abilities, can be enhanced by yoga-based practises.Treatment of the entire mind, body, and spirit is referred to as holistic wellness. The holistic method enables you to comprehend the interrelationships between your physical, spiritual, and emotional selves. In other words, the holistic method emphasises the total body.
Adopt this mind-body strategy to heal, develop, and transform by focusing on the needs of the entire person rather than just one particular symptom or problem. The Masters in Yoga and Holistic Wellness programme takes a different approach from the conventional view of the discipline as being limited to a series of exercises by examining the therapeutic components of yoga. The program’s goal is to educate and prepare participants in the yogic and holistic facets of life and health.
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The Masters aims to:
  • Study of yoga science and ancient healing therapies
  • Offers a 360 degree wellness program with multi disciplinary approach to Holistic health care
  • Illness to wellness from an in-depth analysis, also a Cognitive Behavioural approach
  • Empower the health care professionals to develop a multi disciplinary approach, includes Alternative therapies and Advanced technologies
  • Integral approach of yoga therapy to a common ailment
  • Diagnose patients with diseases and prescribe dietary and lifestyle changes and yoga therapies


  • Training in preventive health care to establish a strong foundation for lifelong health
  • Strategies and tools to reverse disease naturally
  • Study of natural hygiene, mind-body connection and yogic philosophy
  • Access to a global community of professionals in yoga, naturopathy, wellness, holistic healing, Indology and much more

Academic Team


Dr Yamini B Tripathi

Medicinal Chemistry


Dr Srikumar Unni


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